Proxy-related interfaces.
- interface zope.proxy.interfaces.IProxyIntrospection
Provides methods for indentifying proxies and extracting proxied objects
- isProxy(obj, proxytype=None)
Check whether the given object is a proxy
If proxytype is not None, checkes whether the object is proxied by the given proxytype.
- sameProxiedObjects(ob1, ob2)
Check whether ob1 and ob2 are the same or proxies of the same object
- getProxiedObject(obj)
Get the proxied Object
If the object isn’t proxied, then just return the object.
- setProxiedObject(ob1, ob2)
Set the underlying object for ob1 to ob2, returning the old object.
Raises TypeError if ob1 is not a proxy.
- removeAllProxies(obj)
Get the proxied object with no proxies
If obj is not a proxied object, return obj.
The returned object has no proxies.
- queryProxy(obj, proxytype, default=None)
Look for a proxy of the given type around the object
If no such proxy can be found, return the default.
- queryInnerProxy(obj, proxytype, default=None)
Look for the inner-most proxy of the given type around the object
If no such proxy can be found, return the default.
If there is such a proxy, return the inner-most one.
More convenience functions for dealing with proxies.
- zope.proxy.getProxiedObject()
getProxiedObject(proxy) –> object
Get the underlying object for proxy, or the object itself, if it is not a proxy.
- zope.proxy.isProxy()
Check whether the given object is a proxy
If proxytype is not None, checkes whether the object is proxied by the given proxytype.
- zope.proxy.queryInnerProxy()
Look for the inner-most proxy of the given type around the object
If no such proxy can be found, return the default.
If there is such a proxy, return the inner-most one.
- zope.proxy.queryProxy()
Look for a proxy of the given type around the object
If no such proxy can be found, return the default.
- zope.proxy.removeAllProxies()
removeAllProxies(proxy) –> object
Get the proxied object with no proxies
If obj is not a proxied object, return obj.
The returned object has no proxies.
- zope.proxy.sameProxiedObjects()
Check whether two objects are the same or proxies of the same object
- zope.proxy.setProxiedObject()
setProxiedObject(proxy, object) –> object
Set the underlying object for proxy, returning the old proxied object. Raises TypeError if proxy is not a proxy.
Decorator support
Decorators are proxies that are mostly transparent but that may provide additional features.
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface import directlyProvides
>>> from zope.interface import implementer
>>> class I1(Interface):
... pass
>>> class I2(Interface):
... pass
>>> class I3(Interface):
... pass
>>> class I4(Interface):
... pass
>>> from zope.proxy.decorator import SpecificationDecoratorBase
>>> @implementer(I1)
... class D1(SpecificationDecoratorBase):
... pass
>>> @implementer(I2)
... class D2(SpecificationDecoratorBase):
... pass
>>> @implementer(I3)
... class X(object):
... pass
>>> x = X()
>>> directlyProvides(x, I4)
Interfaces of X are ordered with the directly-provided interfaces first.
>>> from zope.interface import providedBy
>>> [interface.getName() for interface in list(providedBy(x))]
['I4', 'I3']
When we decorate objects, what order should the interfaces come in? One could argue that decorators are less specific, so they should come last.
>>> [interface.getName() for interface in list(providedBy(D1(x)))]
['I4', 'I3', 'I1']
>>> [interface.getName() for interface in list(providedBy(D2(D1(x))))]
['I4', 'I3', 'I1', 'I2']
SpecificationDecorators also work with old-style classes:
>>> @implementer(I3)
... class X:
... pass
>>> x = X()
>>> directlyProvides(x, I4)
>>> [interface.getName() for interface in list(providedBy(x))]
['I4', 'I3']
>>> [interface.getName() for interface in list(providedBy(D1(x)))]
['I4', 'I3', 'I1']
>>> [interface.getName() for interface in list(providedBy(D2(D1(x))))]
['I4', 'I3', 'I1', 'I2']
- class zope.proxy.decorator.DecoratorSpecificationDescriptor
Support for interface declarations on decorators
- class zope.proxy.decorator.SpecificationDecoratorBase
Base class for a proxy that provides additional interfaces.